Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Pit of Evil in the Middle East

Pit of evil in the middle east.

Is there some kind of malignant consciousness trapped or buried somewhere beneath the deserts where Asia and Africa meet, a warped spirit that not only invades the minds of peoples living locally, and beyond, but can even blight the very physical environment?

To see images from the area - the bleached, rocky scrubland, deserted and ruined Crusader forts, fly-blown refugee camps - is to be reminded of the worst images from the Wasteland of the Arthurian cycle. Where other regions might have a lake of waterfowl and sedge at its heart, this strange vortex has the Dead Sea, the below-sea-level toxic lagoon which periodically vomits globules of black asphalt. The surrounding dirt and air seems to ooze a preternatural evil, vividly evoked in Holman Hunt’s lurid, putrid colouring of ‘The Scapegoat’.

(Cheap oil is one of the Middle East’s “gifts” to the world. Without cheap oil and its imperial and corporate pushers, Western civilization would have learnt to develop without the hazardous privately-owned motor car and its filthy internal combustion engine. Cities in Britain would have developed with far denser populations near their centres who relied exclusively on public transport, encouraging a less individualistic and a more collectivist society. Without cheap oil, research and investment into alternative, sustainable energy generation would have started far sooner).

The Middle East is home to the world’s three great monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Monotheistic, universalist, totalitarian, messianic, closed systems of thought that promote uncritical faith in sexist and homophobic holy scripture. The three Abrahamic religions, their regulations against free enquiry, free thought and rationality represent the opposite to Aryan European values.

Many great European thinkers including Hegel, Toynbee and Evola have linked the inception of monotheistic thinking to the decay of the Semitic universal state. All agree that the area is littered with previous (failed) cycles of civilization. Hegel in 1830: “The East itself, when by degrees enthusiasm had vanished, sunk into the grossest vice. The most hideous passions became dominant, and as sensual enjoyment was sanctioned in the first form which Mahometan doctrine assumed, and was exhibited as a reward for the faithful in Paradise, it took the place of fanaticism. At present, driven back into its Asiatic and African quarters, and tolerated only in one corner of Europe through the jealousy of Christian powers, Islam has long vanished from the stage of history at large, and has retreated into Oriental ease and repose”.

Julius Evola: “The Diaspora, or the scattering of the Jewish People, corresponded to the by-products of the spiritual dissolution of a cycle that did not have a ‘heroic’ restoration and in which some sort of inner fracture promoted processes of an antitraditional character. There are ancient traditions according to which Typhon, a demon opposed to the solar God, was father of the Hebrews; various Gnostic authors considered the Hebrew god as one of Typhon’s creatures. These are references to a demonic spirit characterized by a constant restlessness, by an obscure contamination, and by a latent revolt of the inferior elements.”

Toynbee, the most liberal, says: “On closer inspection we can also discern what appear to be fossilized relics of similar societies now extinct, namely: one set including the Monophysite Christians of Armenia, Mesopotamia, Egypt and Abyssinia and the Nestorian Christians of Kurdistan and ex-Nestorians in Malabar, as well as the Jews and Parsees…At the present day the Parsees, like the Jews, survive as a mere ‘diaspora’; and the petrified religions which so potently hold the scattered members of the two communities together have lost their message to mankind, and hardened into fossils of the extinct Syriac Society”.

Hellenistic and later Western civilizations have quite separate origins derived from a classic Indo-European worldview, mythology and social structure which were all developed in the Eurasian forests, water meadows and steppes many hundreds of years ago, and many hundreds of miles from the scorched sands of Arabia. The idea of “revealed” truth from a figure such as Moses, Jesus Christ or Mohammed is quite alien to the Aryan mind with its need for logic and an aesthetic which valued above all truth, the real world, as sublime.

From the Middle East monotheism arose like a dark cloud first to dim the brilliance of the pagan Roman empire with morbid Christianity, and later to obscure the remaining Hellenistic outposts and Persian Empire with bloodthirsty Islam. Their intolerant, irrational dogmas caused the death of untold millions over the centuries. For the first time Europeans were infected with an evangelical zeal to conquer the rest of the world for Jesus Christ. Europe’s first overseas colony, bloodily won in the early Crusades, was Frankish Outremer with its capital at Jerusalem. When the Crusader kingdom fell, Europe instead looked westward, resulting in the conversion to Catholicism of the Aztecs and Incas and the genocide by Puritans of the Indians of the North American plains. Similarly, Arabs were inspired by the monotheism of Mohammed to unite and conquer from Spain to south east Asia.

The land between the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf has continually been soaked in blood, a cockpit for colliding empires, a pattern that continues into the present in a crescent from Gaza to Basra. The first battle of Megiddo, the plain north of Jerusalem designated in the ‘Apocalypse of John’ as Armageddon, the site of the ultimate battle of good versus evil, took place in 1482bce, when Pharaoh Tuthmosis III crushed the rebellion of the king of Qadesh and his Syrio-Hittite-Canaanite allies. According to David Hatcher Childress “And so ended the first battle of Armageddon, a decisive battle between Egypt in the west and the Syrian-Lebanese foes of the Hittite Confederacy. So important was this battle in ancient times that it was well-remembered by all the people of the ancient Middle East, and the fall of the fortress of Megiddo was a turning point in the history of the region”. A second battle of Megiddo in 609bce resulted in the defeat and death of King Josiah of Judah by Pharaoh Necho II, and a third, in 1918 when General E.H. Allenby defeated the Turks, led to the fracturing and re-assembling the whole of western Asia along lines more favourable to the Western plutocracies.

The region’s eternal dirge of disillusion, decay and death now tolls around the planet. Despite decades of effort, the religious, ethnic and spiritual crisis has become more and more desperate. The Israeli nuclear facility at Dimona is vulnerable to bombardment from Syria, once Russia completes the sale of its Iskander missile system to Damascus. Dimona is in the Negev desert, not far from the Dead Sea, and not far from the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah whose fiery destruction is so gleefully recounted in the Old Testament.

Viewed from Northwestern Europe, the Middle East lies in a particularly inauspicious direction. North in traditional Aryan lore is the home of the Polar Gods, of Asgard, the ever-spinning fort of Caer Arianrhod and Mount Meru the Mountain of Heaven. West is associated with the Vanir gods of fertility, success, oceanic imagination and the limitless horizon of beyond. But Southeast is where some of the most destructive forces in the cosmos meet: Surtr, the fateful fire giant from the burning southern realm of Muspellheim with the Jotuns, the foes of the gods, from beyond Ironwood to the east.

Persistent local tradition abounds with stories of djinn, demon pits and entrances to Hell. One such gateway is at the bottom of a stone staircase that leads from King David’s tomb on Mount Zion. Another pit is under the stone bearing Mohammed’s footprint in the Dome of the Rock on Temple Mount. This is the same rock upon which Abraham was meant to sacrifice Isaac, and upon which the Ark of the Covenant was placed in Solomon’s original Temple. It is through the Knights Templar, masons and freemasons and others that symbols and patterns from the first temple of Solomon made their way into modern international finance.

H.P. Lovecraft was sensitive to emanations from the desert. Robert Turner says in The R’lyeh Text, “In his story The Nameless City [Weird Tales, November 1921] Lovecraft’s traveller discovers a hidden valley in the sands of the Arabian desert, and within the valley a ruined city ‘built before history began’. The mummified remains of a half-reptilian race reveal the city to be of pre-human origin and ancient frescoes indicate the existence of a further city concealed within a subterranean cavern beneath the ruins. Lin Carter points out that The Nameless City is now held to be the first of the stories that compromise the Cthulhu Mythos, and that it is here that we first learn of Abdul Alhazred [author of the Necronomicon, the leitmotiv of Lovecraft’s Mythos]. In several of the Mythos tales the mad Arab poet Alhazred is said to have visited the long vanished city of Irem; the City of Pillars mentioned in the Koran. The location, and even the definite existence of Irem has been a subject of debate amongst archaeologists for decades, but recently new evidence has come to light which almost certainly establishes the factual truth behind the legend. During February 1992 a newspaper article in The Independent [25.02.92] revealed that Nasa satellite photographs showed an ancient road running across a barren “empty quarter” of Arabia, which after much research led a team of American archaeologists to the site believed to be the ancient city of the Bedouins called Ubar, which T.E. Lawrence described as ‘the Atlantis of the Sands’. According to Bedouin folklore Ubar had been buried in the desert for over 1,500 years since its destruction. The city existed over 4000 bce and is now thought to lie beneath the town of Shis’r north-west of Salalah in Oman”. Sir Ranulph Fiennes certainly believed from the evidence that Irem/ Ubar, which uncannily resembles the immensely old, wind-swept cities of the Gobi desert described in William Burroughs’ Cities of the Red Night, to be one and the same.

It seems irrational to suggest that a malignant psychic force, independent of any human agency, could exist under the sands of the Middle East, a force that can wreak havoc throughout the region and across the world. But logical and systematic reasoning is itself a product of Aristotle and the philosophes of the Enlightenment, that is, a product of Aryan, Western, European civilization. Rationality does not encompass all of Aryan civilization, neither should we jump to quick conclusions about parts of the world that we can never truly understand in the same way as can its native inhabitants of thousands of years. Also, the Middle East, amongst other things, has been home to some of the most implacable foes of Aryan civilization. Europe is caught in a pincer movement stretching from Spain to the Caucasus and across over a thousand years in time, and now the internal security of Europe has never been more vulnerable. If there is such a thing as a psychic equivalent of nuclear waste, radiating corruption across the desert, there is no good reason why the locals should ever become fully conscious of it, let alone tell us in the West about it.

Until we can decide what it is exactly we are up against, it would be sensible to isolate Western civilization from the Middle East and throw a cordon sanitaire over the area. Naturally this would mean a complete reappraisal of Western energy needs as importing cheap oil from Arabia would no longer be an option. Instead, Europe could investigate oil supplies from Russia and the Caucasus, with the long-term necessary goal of European autarky. As for the Middle East itself, any future political re-structuring will be up to the people in the area. Perhaps we will be lucky enough to see the re-establishment of a Caliphate that is able to accommodate Jews and non-Muslims.

A final necessary step for Europe is to remove all Middle Eastern influences from Aryan civilization; a relatively easy task since monotheism, messianism etc are not core Western values but rather excresences on the Aryan body politic.

Philosophy of History. Georg W.F. Hegel (Dover, New York, 1956)
Study of History Abridgement of Volumes I-IV. Arnold J. Toynbee (Royal Institute of International Affairs/ OUP, London 1946)
Revolt Against the Modern World. Julius Evola (Inner Traditions, Vermont, 1995)
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Armageddon. David Hatcher Childress (Adventures Unlimited, Kempton Illinois 2001)
The R’lyeh Text. Robert Turner (Skoob, London, 1995)



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